10 Affirmations I Will Test for the Next 90 Days with Autosuggestion

Samir Jaber
6 min readMay 1, 2022

I have prepared a list of 10 positive affirmations that are relevant to my life, and I will be internalising them using the process of autosuggestion. This article serves as a testament to my commitment to this mental experiment over the next 3 months. I am also sharing my affirmations here so anyone else that finds them relevant can use them, as well. I will be writing another article in 90 days documenting the results.

In this article, I will talk about:

  • What affirmations are
  • What the process of autosuggestion is
  • My 10 personal affirmations
A neon sign that says “This is the sign you’ve been looking for”.
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short, potent statements that are meant to reinforce a particular idea, desirably a positive one. They are used for the purpose of self-empowerment and boosting positive thinking.

Think and you shall become.

This sentence came to mind from a pattern I noticed over the years in many readings and discussions I had on thinking. But what does it really mean?

As we collect data from external and internal stimuli, our brains manage to recognise patterns and then construct the reality we experience based on those patterns. Such patterns are how our thoughts develop.

Subsequently, the reality we experience is established by those thoughts. In other words, our experiential reality is defined by the limits of our thoughts.

This is why optimistic people tend to see the silver lining on the edge of a cloud, while pessimistic people are too focussed on the cloud itself.

Simply put, if all you think about is negativity, all what you experience would be negative in some way.

And as much as this is not purely one person’s fault but, in part, the result of the surrounding circumstances, knowing the way into your brain, what if you can purposefully give your brain the information you’d like it to construct patterns around?

This is where positive affirmations come into play.

The only question that remains is: How?

Autosuggestion: a conscious effort to influence the subconscious

Autosuggestion is simply self-suggestion. It is a technique where you can consciously suggest particular ideas to your subconscious through repetition and emotional association until your mind adjusts the reality you experience.

Introduced by French psychologist Émile Coué, optimistic autosuggestion was claimed to be a way of self-improvement and psychotherapy. The Coué method (or Couéism) was the implementation of a conscious self-suggestion in a mantra-like manner that he required his patients to repeat frequently over a period of time, and it said:

“Tous les jours à tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux.”

In English, that is:

“Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

He believed that he was helping his patients cure themselves, claiming that he helped fulfill organic changes in his patients with autosuggestion. If you want to read more about this, his book “Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion” explains this in more detail.

My first experience with autosuggestion was in Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”, which is my bible for building personal wealth. His version of autosuggestion was not for the sake of overcoming an illness as it was originally used for but rather for effecting changes in the mind towards an abundance mindset that attracts riches and a wealthy life.

A photo of the chapter on Autosuggestion from the book “Think and Grow Rich”

So, with that, I decided to test autosuggestion personally by creating a list of ten positive affirmations that I will be repeating to myself twice a day — once in the morning when I wake up and once at night before I sleep — for a period of 90 days.

Why twice a day? Saying positive affirmations when I wake up is said to “prime my mind”, which means I’d be more likely to notice positive things and have positive feelings during the day. Repeating the positive affirmations before going to sleep is when the mind is most likely to be free from the distractions of the day and ready to rest. That makes it more likely to internalise the affirmations.

Why 90 days? It is an arbitrary duration I have set for myself that is not too long but long enough for me to see whether there will be changes along the way.

Not just that. I will be spreading the affirmations around the house — over my home office, the book I am currently reading, my smartphone, the kitchen, and still under consideration, the bathroom :)

Let the test begin, and may the odds be ever in our favour.

My 10 personal affirmations

1. I am powerful beyond measure.

This represents strength of character, body, and mind. It characterises my ability to handle anything in my life.

2. I am disciplined and committed to reaching my goals.

This represents dedication and focus on staying the course no matter what until my goals are achieved. Discipline against distractions and triggers without suppressing emotions is crucial (and difficult, but not impossible).

3. I am responsible for the outcomes of my actions.

This represents accountability. Regardles of what the result of something I do is, I will make sure not to point fingers but accept responsibility and find a way forward.

4. I am worthy of what I desire.

This represents worth and appreciation of my own value. Sometimes we tend to overlook our worth, and it’s important to remind ourselves of that as it helps build self-esteem and belief in ourselves.

5. I am mindful. I am present. I am grounded.

This represents mindfulness. It indicates the importance of living in the moment and not dwelling on the past or living too much in an imagined future. Being mindful also helps keep our ego in check so we don’t get too carried away with success and impact others negatively.

6. I am driven and motivated to succeed.

This represents the motivation and impetus to achieve my goals and prevail. Some days, I may be in low energy mode, and that’s okay. Such an affirmation will remind me that my motivation and momentum is still there to keep striding forward. It’ll help me dig deep and find the energy to keep pushing.

7. I am open-minded and willing to learn.

This represents my openness to new information and perspectives different than my own. This will remind me not to get blinded with my own views and beliefs and that there’s always more to discover and learn about.

8. I am charged with positive thoughts.

This represents positivity and optimism. Reminding myself of this, especially in times of difficulty or bad news, will help me in finding the silver lining in everything and seeing the reasons to move forward and live life.

9. I am full of love and compassion.

This represents love for myself and for others. Feeling compassionate is more than pity, sympathy, or even empathy. It is both feeling for others and finding a way to help. And it’s probably the best purpose to have in life as it not only gives a feeling of gratification but also maintains a connection with others that I can lift up as I am growing and elevating.

10. I am resourceful and purposeful.

This represents my determination, ability and creativity to find ways to deal with the challenges that stand in the way of accomplishing my purposes.

Final thoughts

These are my ten positive affirmations that I will be working on internalising everyday. Do they apply to you? Do you think affirmations are effective? Feel free to test/use them yourself or adjust them to versions that fit your life. Comment below your thoughts or reach out to me personally if you prefer. I’ll see you again in 90 days.



Samir Jaber

I write about writing. I write about science. Featured writer and former scientific researcher | My website: https://samirjaber.com